Washington State Attorney General Bob Ferguson’s Public Safety Hypocrisy
Washington AG Bob Ferguson now candidate for governor (Photo Joe Mabel, Creative Commons)
Former NYPD police officer, U.S. Secret Service agent, political candidate, and current national talk show host Dan Bongino often points out that the contrast is what dooms a politician. He says if a reporter writes about a candidate known as a playboy who was seen out partying all hours of the night, voters will be like, “So what?” It’s expected; there’s no contrast. But if a newspaper prints a story about a pious candidate who crows about how often he attends church, caught out partying all night, the contrast is glaring.
That contrast belongs to Washington State’s Marxist Attorney General Bob Ferguson, who’s not satisfied with his current job and wants to take over from Jay Inslee as dictator. However, unlike the above examples, Ferguson drew the contrast himself rather than a reporter or media source doing it.
Legendary, describes Ferguson’s public animosity toward cops and law and order for his entire political career. Recently, he released a laughable public safety plan to “fix” what he helped wreck. He wants people to think he’s changed to a tough on crime, cop-lovin’ attorney general/governor wannabe overnight. How stupid does he have to be to believe people are that stupid?
Ferguson has made a career of overtly and covertly supporting anti-police activism (defunding the police), legislation (“police reform” laws), and criminal prosecutions (assisting in trying to convict cops of murder). His relationship with the state’s current dictator-governor, Jay Inslee, is similar to the weaponized anti-police, anti-equal justice relationship between FJB and (his AG) Merrick Garland.
About the attempt to convict the Tacoma cops of murder in the Manny Ellis case, KTTH 770 radio host Jason Rantz wrote, “Washington state Attorney General and governor-hopeful Bob Ferguson is on a relentless crusade against cops, driven by transparently political motives. Thankfully, he keeps failing, but it doesn’t mean he will stop.”
He added, “The Attorney General’s prior attempt to frame Pierce County Sheriff Ed Troyer in a racially charged case also fell flat.”
For example, in 2021, during the Saint Floyd riots and the CHOP/CHAZ insurrection, ShiftWA.org wrote about Ferguson, “Washington State Attorney General Bob Ferguson wants police departments to ignore legal advice received from their own attorneys, and instead wants law enforcement to accept his partisan opinions on how they should respond to incidents while adhering to the disastrous police ‘reform’ measures jammed through by Democrats during the 2021 legislative session.”
Now, Ferguson wants people to believe he’s all lovey-dovey with law and order and wants to cuddle with the cops. What a joke. Local journalists and commentators reflexively balked at Ferguson’s chameleon act. They’re used to the repeated examples of Ferguson’s evident corrupt ethics that have plagued his political career with scandal, though he accepts no responsibility for his reported misdeeds. A judge even lambasted him last year for his mishandling of a case for which his office was fined ($200K), and the state sued ($3M), regarding his withholding of evidence from a plaintiff for a year.
Rantz posted on X, “NEW: The Bob Ferguson campaign for governor just made its first massive blunder, and it’s not just Republicans calling him out. He just released his plan to tackle a crime crisis he helped create. For those with bad memories, I brought the receipts.”
One of those receipts could be a Rantz’s MyNorthwest article where he wrote about Ferguson’s laughable comments on tackling the state’s drug OD crisis. “The Bob Ferguson drug crisis plan is a real head scratcher. He was one of the first and loudest voices encouraging drug decriminalization, which created the Washington opioid crisis and, more specifically, the Seattle fentanyl epidemic. Now he says wants to tackle it?”
Ari Hoffman, radio host on KVI 570, X-posted, “These people are pushing the lie that @BobFergusonAG cares about public safety because they work in his office and want to move up the ladder with him. Fergie has done more to jeopardize public safety than Jay Inslee.”
Former FOX Q13 News reporter turned independent journalist and host of unDivided on Apple Podcasts Brandi Kruse posted, “Tell me @BobFergusonAG is worried about his public safety record without telling me @BobFergusonAG is worried about his public safety record.”
I’m hoping ordinary people see through this public official’s scam and reject his fake public safety overture. I say this because of the stories about the radical left also being upset at Ferguson’s fake swerve to the right on public safety. Radical leftists don’t like this kind of political blasphemy, even when they know it’s fake. It could be he sheds more support from his base than he gains from people who buy this garbage.
His Royal Fakeness also shows us something else. Ferguson knows his anti-cop, anti-law and order ideology is wrong—evil. Otherwise, why would he pretend he’s suddenly an advocate for public safety?
Regardless, law enforcement needs legitimate support from their political leaders at every level of government. I sense a positive trend in America, with even ordinary Democrats finally throwing off the shackles of this rented radical ideology and are now trading it in to purchase a sane public safety policy.
Totally accurate truth about AG Ferguson’s miserable and damaging actions while in AG office. Notice he doesn’t even bring up in commercials that he’s the current AG because of his lawless philosophy and practices. His record is the worst in the State of Washington. Let’s kick him to the curb and not let him continue being a career politician!